Wednesday, March 31, 2004
It's amazing how quickly a highway patrolman can lay waste to a perfectly executed driving plan.

Ask me how many tickets I've gotten out of.

Office talk....
What should have been said....
Me: "Hey boss? Which type of saw blade is this I am holding in my right hand?"
Boss: "That is a 9 inch blade for sawing wood"

What was said....
Me: "Hey boss? What do I have in my right hand?"
Boss: "You are holding a 9 inch wood"

Friday, March 19, 2004
Deeply ingrained...
I thanked a computer today. I have a defense though.. It was one of those damn automated phone things, where you call and actually talk to the computer. The voice was so polite and amazingly helpful that I apparently let my ingrained politeness get the better of me.. before hanging up...."Thank you so much, have a nice day"

Bitch didnt even say thank you back.

Sight seeing...
My new job has me driving all over this city.. and I've seen a few interesting sights. Soda's sitting on top of car that spill down the windshield as the driver stops. I've seen a cat taking a nap on a woman's dashboard. I've seen and old couple with the man driving and the woman's hand is in his lap (thank god I only saw the wrist). But so far my favorite has been today, when I saw a portable toilet being transported on the back of a trailer. It had a long trail of toilet paper dangling from the door of it. Now perhaps to everyone this isn't as funny as I found it. But I kept having flashes of walking out of the bathroom at the bar with tissue attached to my ass. It's sad really. Big ol Port-o-potty just sitting there with the entire roll flying behind it, and no one caring enough about it's humility to take it down. Portable toilets really do have it bad, they get shit on all the time.

Out of car experience...
I'm in this huge freeway mess! It is a two lane road and I'm close enough to the light that I can clearly see the hot guy in the car just around the corner. Yeah, i'm checkin him out. Hey.. he's cute. Got my radio up nice and loud, car dancing to Outkast, when I glimpse something out of the corner of my eye just to my left. (Simultaneously) Whip my head to the left, jump back in the seat and scream! There is a head in my window with a motorcycle helmet on. Apparently, as I was concentrating on the cute guy across the street an equally cute guy on a Honda was slipping between cars when he came to mine, saw me dancing and decided to join in. He jumped back when I screamed at him, the light turned green and he rode off laughing while I tried to decide if I had peed my pants.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I took this quote off the AOL daily news website. It is one line in the middle of a huge story regarding a hotel being blown up in Iraq.

"Earlier, ambulances raced to the scene. Two U.S. soldiers tried to help pull bodies from the wreckage of the hotel, but angry Iraqis pushed them back."

They don't want us there. I know this isn't news to any of us, but apparently the people in office aren't hearing it, or very blatantly ignoring it. I'm not a political follower. I try to stay away from all the stress and anger caused by politics. But the Military is something that hits home with me. My husband may not be there right now, but someone else's is. And in a few months I will have some dear friends on their way there again. Soldiers are dying on a daily basis. Just because it isn't 100 a day dying doesnt make it any better what so ever. And the part I hate the most is, our people are dying for people who don't want us there. Our soldiers, with their good hearts and desire to help people were pushed away when trying to help. What the hell more of a wake up call is needed??? What more does this Administration need? I dont care about the politics, I dont care for our reasons for being there. I think, if we ever had one, we have seriously overstayed our welcome. And I want my friends and everyone else's friends and family home now. Cause 2 soldiers dying every day is way too many to spare for a country that doesn't want us involved. So I ask all my friends.. what can I do? Who do I scream at to make a difference? This whole thing is making me sick. They don't want us there and the American people don't want to be involved. What the fuck happened to the whole Democracy bullshit? Hell I dont think that should even enter into this anymore. Here's how it works. Hey Dubbaya! We the People of America want our families home and out of Iraq. The Iraqi people want the American people to get out and stop trying to help. 2 to 1... we win! You lose. So enough with finishing your Father's fight. Enough with us being the almighty saviors of the frickin world. Let someone else take the heat for once. Bring us home and keep us out. You got the Prick in the hole. So, let's take what black marks they leave us with and walk away.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004
The web album is complete. The link on the previous post will take you there. Please sign my guest book! And let me know on the comments here if you have trouble accessing it.

Okay.. I have half of these done.. But I haven't posted the party or parade pics yet. That will have to wait till tomorrow night, but you should be able to use this link to access even after I update it.
Mardi Gras 2004

Monday, March 15, 2004
I know I haven't been around for awhile. I've been getting settled into my new job. And while I have daily written down many things I would like to share, the little yellow post-it notes I have been using don't travel well... at least not in the places you want them too. Excuses aside I will have my computer at work up and running in the next couple of days so I shall be able to post daily when things happen, instead of post-iting and losing the stupid things. Also...(I'm excited). I finally got my Mardi Gras pictures developed. I know as a general rule nobody really wants to look at other people's vacation pictures, but at least I'm not coming into your house with a slide projector. I do have a site that I will be setting up, probably tomorrow night, that I will be able to post all the pictures to. Sorry again.. there is no nudity. I mean.. yes.. there was plenty of nudity.. and yes.. the twins definately made a few appearances in other people's photos.. I wasn't exactly taking pictures of my chest. Or anyone elses. Hey.. I was too busy getting my own beads to worry about anyone else. The pictures are the whole trip though, Bourbon street, the parades, the swamp... Probably horribly boring for most people, but tough shit. Deal with it. It was my vacation, I was proud of it and I am posting pictures of it. I will link it here as soon as I figure out how.

Friday, March 05, 2004
Absolutely wonderful website!!!!!!!

While some it is lewd and perverted, the rest of it is lewd and ridiculous. I'm sure I've been to this site before, but the other night it just tickled me funny.

Notes to self...
I spent the second half of my day at work running around town picking up and delivering stuff.. I learned a few things on my journey I wanted to share with you all...
1) Supersize drinks only sound like a good idea before you end up on 3 hour trek around town with 2 of it being stuck on a parking lot otherwise known as the freeway.
2) Cute furry stuffed animals sporting (press here) buttons on their paws are office traps for humility. However, if you are going to push the damn button that makes the toy dance and sing at full volumes; Plaster a huge "yeah, I did it" smile on your face in defiance. Because trying to turn it off just adds to your disgrace.
3) Junker Volvos with 80 year old men behind the wheel have no depth perception. Or, they just don't give a shit about their old beater car and they wont be alive long enough for you to sue them for damages done to yours.
4) While a little car flirtation is always a nice pick me up on a long day, blaring your horn to get the attention of your flirtatious desires is not an accept contact move. I scares the shit outta you.
5) Just because the office you are waiting in has a bowl of chocolate on their desk doesn't make it okay to grab a handful for later. Again, makes you a topic of ridicule. But, if you must do it, plead PMS. The women will understand and the men won't want to know about it.
6) While construction work on freeways may seem like an extremely long route to take, a shorter route should not consist of back streets with school zones and large dirt hauling semi trucks.
7) Keep your eyes on the road. Yes, the street may be lined with cute construction guys having a few beers out at their trucks after work. But the ones not off work yet, in their trucks driving straight toward you don't care that you have found eye candy. They are bigger than you, stay out of their lane.
8) Having a pen on you is always a good idea. Pulling out 20 pens that you have stolen from other offices causes people at the current office to become wary of you.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
In New Orleans we went to a graveyard, the oldest in New Orleans. The spooky factor was excellent, crumbling tombs and broken walk ways. We joked about taking a piece of marble off one of the graves and maybe having a ghost follow us home. We didn't of course, just wandered through the sites noting the dates and such. And within 5 minutes of being there, I wanted to be home with my daughter. I would say 80 percent of the sites had babies in them, 3 years and under. I know back in the 1800's & early 1900's they had no medical science, not really, and I know children died a lot back then. But seeing all those babies that died because we couldn't control a fever, it hurt my mother's heart. And anyone with children will understand that. It's the part of you that glows when your baby laughs, and aches when you are away from them. It is the part of you that goes out to other parents when you see their children are hurt, and the part that changes so much of your life. Including part of your world views. I saw all those babies that had died back then, and I think of how far medical science has and is taking us. People lived to their late 30's and that was good. And now we can live just about forever. You know it got me thinking about natural selection and man playing god, over-population and pollution of natural resources. It's scary if you look at it in the right way. We make it possible for everyone to survive and everyone to flourish, except mother nature. So how long will it be till there is nothing left? Till we do live in the science fiction worlds of plastic trees and food grown strictly on huge laboratory farms? This planet and it's resources are the same size, and we keep growing and fucking with nature. And then I look at the tomb stones with the name of a baby girl who lived only 3 months, and I want to go home to my daughter. And take her to the doctor as soon as she gets a sniffle, and all those grand thoughts of nature and earth go straight out the damn window.

Monday, March 01, 2004
So far so perfect...
I just started my new job on Friday so today was only my second day there. I hate jumping guns because I know within a few months I will have something to bitch about. I mean, its work, its never all good. But basically I work for one guy. Technically I'm supposed to be working for two people, but I haven't started doing anything yet for him. Its only been 2 days, but I love it (so far). I think the biggest part is that I am working for one person. And he and I get along great. The office is so quiet, except for him and I laughing our asses off at the stupidest shit. But we get along, and since I am his assistant I guess that's important. I should have internet access soon and I will be able to post during the day. I am really hoping to have office talk to contribute. Some of the funniest shit I have heard has been in the office, so when I hear some, I will share it.

That's why...
I love to sing. And my friends and family love to hear me sing. But I am at least honest enough to admit that my biggest fans will always be my friends and family. American Idol seems to be such a powerful movement right now that everyone who knows anyone who can whistle are encouraging them to be singers. But right now, I am watching the Idol group on Larry King Live and I have learned my lesson. I don't need to stand in front of Simon and be brutally cut down before I understand that there are thousands of people out there with wonderful voices who will never be anybody. I can carry a tune, hell I can carry it far enough to slap a few people in face and get their attention at Karoake. But it doesn't mean I have any fancies about running off and attempting to grandstand myself. What I hate is the hundreds of people who love to sing and are actually good at it who think less of themselves because they went in front of a small panel of judges and were ripped to shreds. When the truth is they already had people at home who love hearing them sing, and admired them for being who they were, instead of trying to be something acceptable to a group of 3. My friends and family love it when I sing. Hell, Rachel embarrasses me every chance she gets at the bar, and I love it. Because she loves me enough to brag and thinks I'm good enough to share. There are plenty of people out there who want to be that star, who have the drive and ambition, who can handle the rejections and the successes. And they are the ones that will go in front of that panel and be accepted, or spend hours singing in a band at a bar and get discovered, And dammit, great for them. But I'm content, and fuck anyone who thinks there's anything wrong with that. I have people who love to hear me sing, and while they may be people close to me, the fact is, they are mine and they give me all I need.

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