Thursday, May 27, 2004
Self Discovery...
I find that I fall into a not-quite-destructive/yet un-productive pattern when I have nothing personal/important/opinionated to blog about on my own. I wander in and out of other blogs, jumping from connection to connection, lusting for inspiration to spring somewhere. And while I never steal another idea for a blog entry, (with the exception of the villian test recently), I am completely incapable of leaving any site I find interesting, untouched. I have often remarked, jokingly of course, that I am an attention whore, a time whore, a high paid whore... But recently I noticed there is nothing funny about my new episodes of commenting whore.
I am commenting even when I have nothing to comment about, no understanding or quirky remarks. I comment just to be a part of the blog. I am sad.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Nadda Damn thing. I wish I could tell you about some of the horribly vivid dreams I have been having since starting on my medication. But the truth is, while they are vivid and I could probably walk you through them in their entirety, I really don't wanna re-live them again. Most have been rather gruesome and horrific lately.. I blame the media.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Testing this new BloggerBot with my sister and my daughter.
Posted by Hello

Heck Tick?
Ooooooohhhhhhhh..(sing with me!)

Stuck at work with nothing to do cause my boss has been out of the office for the past 5 hours. And of course I don't wanna ask anyone else if they have anything for me to do, cause then, I'd actually have to DO something. But while I don't really want to do any work, I can't really do anything else. My back faces the door to my office, and my computer monitor faces the door. So, I can't very well sit here playing internet checkers with some guy in Italy. If someone walks in they will see I have nothing to do and give me work, which is exactly what I don't want. So, instead, I keep a couple of work windows open on the computer for toggling, sit staring at my email hoping my inbox will ding with mail, and I sing quietly to myself....

Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Oh Lord..
Normally I wouldn't do something like this... I went to another person's blog site and saw that she had taken a test to see which villain she most resembles. I tried it too, what I normally wouldn't do is post something on my site that I had previously seen on another's. But I have to.. Cause I just finished a full blown Disney Cinderella Birthday Party for my 3 year old daughter on Sunday. And I'm still drinking out of Cinderella cups and eating off of Cinderella plates... And THIS is my villain...

I took the most accurate villain personality test

created by:
The Arch Villainess Gracie

I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Wendy's New Diet Menu!!
Order new Chicken Spinach Salad with 2 packets of "2.5 fat grams each" dressing. A plain potato with 2 packets of butter and sour cream each. A medium Frosty and large sugar packed soda.

Take your seat and arrange all the food on your tray for maximum eating performance. Dump both packets of dressing onto the salad, pick out all the tomatoes. Squeeze all dairy products handy onto the potato, and mix it up.

Grab a fork and get the first heaping bite ready just as the lady who was up at the counter preparing your food, sits behind you and proceeds to sneeze loudly followed immediately by a successions of coughing, promptly closed with constant sniffing like a coke head that's just taken a large hit.

Glance down at the potato covered in white goop, the drippy consistency of the dressing smothering your lettuce, and the watery grayish colored foam at the top of your frosty dessert beverage.

Stand up, and walk away without consuming anything.

Monday, May 17, 2004
Straight from the calendar...
My bad girl advice calendar gives the best ideas sometimes....

Tip of the day...

Get out of a parking ticket FREE pass!

If you're going to be parked illegally for a long time and suspect you may get a ticket, keep your eyes peeled for any other car parked near you with a fresh ticket. Just yank the ticket off that windshield and slap it on yours!!

I know I know... That's not nice.. or legal. But it's a bad girl advice calendar what do you expect? Besides, I live in a city that makes it virtually impossible to get a parking ticket.

*Can you hear me knocking on wood right now?*

Thursday, May 13, 2004
Car Flirting 101...Tip of the day
Objects in mirror aren't as cute as they appear.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I laugh in my own general direction...
I pulled up to the take out window, handed over the money demanded of me, and used quick reflexes to catch the bag of food thrust back at me in exchange. Forward moving slowly, I glance in the rear-view mirror to note the car behind me will be a minute. So before pulling completely out of the drive thru lane I stop and rumage through the bag to ensure the food was properly distributed.
Startled into almost tipping my family's grub for the night, I don a look of utter rage and thrust my middle finger up into the air as I glance back at the car behind me..... Which is still at least 2 car lengths behind me waiting patiently for his own food....
Hmmmm... I look left, I look right, no one appears to be waiting for me to move. Musta been further away than I thought. I adjust the food HONK!again. And notice the bag is considerably wider than I thought, In fact it filled the space between my boobs and the horn on the steering wheel located directly in front of me.

Monday, May 03, 2004
Patent prophylactic
"Hey there Billy Bob!"
"See that sheep down yonder?"
"I was just thinkin how well that sheep would work at preventing Betty Lou from having another curtain climber"
"Well I guess that would be a turn off, climbin into bed while a sheep is fuckin yur wife."
"No No, geez Billy Bob, Betty Lou only milks the cows."
"Well, how's that thar sheep gonna keep her from gittin knocked up 'gin?"
"Well, I'ma gonna kill that sheep, then I'ma gonna skin that sheep and wrap its skin round my willie. That outta keep my swimmers from headin up stream"
"Well now, that might just work. But why not just use a wool sock?"

(Rachel was wondering where the idea of sheep skin condoms came from)

My 3 year old daughter sat through the entire movie of "Scooby Doo 2" today without hiding her eyes or jumping in my lap at the monsters and ghosts. But the automatic flushing toilets had her flying 3 feet in the air in the bathroom stall.

Kids these days....
6 year old boy rides up into my driveway yesterday, with a slightly older girl hovering behind. I knew he was looking for my stepsons, but before I could tell him they were down the street looking for him he spins around to the girl and says....
"Will you just quit following me!!!"
"Well it's not my fault you were kissed by a girl, geez!"

At this point she pedals off looking smug as you please, and he is beet red back pedaling down my driveway finding an escape route. I firmly believe it was his sister, and if there is any justice in the world she found a snake in her bed that night.

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